If you’re planning to serve or sell alcoholic beverages in the state of Tennessee, then you need an Alcoholic Beverage Control license through the state. These licenses, also known as ABC cards, are designed to ensure that all persons serving and selling alcohol have a basic set of facts. They’ll know how to prevent over-serving, when to intervene, and how to prevent underage consumption.
Whether you’re staffing your grocery store, serving at a restaurant, or bartending at the new hot spot in town doesn’t matter. You must receive training and a license if you plan to distribute alcohol in Tennessee. How costly are this ABC card and the training necessary to get the card?
The Cost of an ABC Card
Registering for an ABC card through the state costs $20 to serve alcohol. The license is valid for 5 years. Additionally, the state must know that you and your team are properly trained in the safe distribution of alcohol. This training costs $70 for a 5-hour course. It also includes information on any new laws so that you and your team are all in-the-know about current regulations.
Through AimToServe, we are happy to work with your corporate team nationally as well. Instead of training store by store, server by server, your whole team gets educated on the best practices to serve and sell alcohol.
Save Money in the Long Run
Another thing to consider? Proper training saves money. When your employees understand the ins and outs of serving and selling alcohol, you’ll avoid fees and fines. You’ll know you’re up-to-date on the most recent changes to laws and regulations as long as you’re current on your classes.
What do you risk when you don’t get your ABC card? Fines, loss of your liquor license, increase to your insurance rates, and even closure of your business. If everyone knows how to follow the proper protocol, your liquor license won’t be in jeopardy. Also, you won’t have to deal with infractions and penalties for improper distribution.
Let AimToServe inform your team to help keep your business free from fines and infractions. Contact us today for more information about how we can serve your business and schedule training today to obtain your ABC card. It’s an investment you can’t afford to miss.